Marketing Tips With Meliss
Ep. 484: Getting Booked Calls From Facebook Groups
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 484: Getting Booked Calls From Facebook Groups “You can leverage other peoples audience and find your target marketing hanging out in one space!” In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I’m talking about getting booked calls from Facebook...
Ep. 483: The Email Vault
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 483: The Email Vault “If you’re running an online business, you know you have to write A LOT.” In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I’m talking about my email vault: If you’re just starting out, do you know what emails to send that...
Ep. 482: Steps To Nurturing Clients
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 482: Steps To Nurturing Clients "There's a gap when they join your group, and when they become a client." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about the steps you need to take when nurturing your clients: -Building the...
Ep. 481: How AI Technology Can Make You Money
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 481: How AI Technology Can Make You Money “You don’t want to put something into ChatGPT and use it you’ll sound like a robot, you want to use this as a base and alter it so it sounds like your own." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss,...
Ep. 480: Organizing Your To-Do List
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 480: Organizing Your To-Do List “When I write a to do list, I like to start off by writing the big tasks.” In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I’m talking about organizing your to-do list: Brainstorm Color coordinating with your brain...
Ep. 479: How To Position Yourself As An Expert, Even If You Are New
Meliss Marketing · 479 Audio “If you make a list of fifty reasons why someone should work with you, you’ll understand why you ARE the expert.” In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I’m talking about how to position yourself as an expert, even if you are new:...
Ep. 478: Running A Business And A Home? Stressed?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 478: Running A Business And A Home? Stressed? “If you don’t feel motivated to do things because you’re so stressed out, it means you’re trying to do too many things.” In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I’m talking about the stress...
Ep. 476: Scared To Create Content?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 476: Scared To Create Content? “Practice makes progress!” In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I’m talking about being scared to create content: Positioning yourself as the expert. Who is your ideal client? Who are influencers or...
Ep. 475: Seasons Of Your Business
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 475: Seasons Of Your Business “When we think about business in terms of seasons, it makes it a little bit more comfortable to know where we are.” In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I’m talking about seasons of your business: We start...
Ep. 474: 2nd Quarter Planning
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 474: 2nd Quarter Planning “Keep track of your goals, numbers, and revenue.” In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I’m talking about 2nd quarter planning: Review your numbers from the first quarter. What was your revenue? What is your...
Ep. 473: Is It Time To Start My Facebook Group?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 473: Is It Time To Start My Facebook Group? “It’s not about you selling your offers or constantly talking about you. It’s about leading a community.” In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I’m talking about if it’s time to start your...
Ep. 472: How Organization Grows Your Business
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 472: How Organization Grows Your Business “You can be a very organized business owner when you make time for your business.” In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I’m talking about how organization grows your business: Digitally...
Ep. 471: Traffic Sources
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 471: Traffic Sources “I am a big proponent of one thing at a time, so you don’t want to try all of these sources at once.” In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I’m talking about traffic sources: Traffic sources are also known as your...
Ep. 470: Want Consistent Income?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 470: Want Consistent Income? “If you’re able to sign clients on consistently, you’re able to grow your business.” In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I’m talking about consistent income: Life has ups and downs, that’s normal. But a...
Ep. 469: Daily Engagement Strategy
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 469: Daily Engagement Strategy “There’s not a single successful business that just sits around and waits.” In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I’m talking about the daily engagement strategy: Create the space that attracts your dream...
Ep. 468: The Balance Between Giving Value And Selling
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 468: The Balance Between Giving Value And Selling "You need to have balance between giving value and selling." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about balance: Selling is serving when done correctly and in the right...
Ep. 467: Should I Still Be Using Hashtags On Instagram?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 467: Should I Still Be Using Hashtags On Instagram? "Instagram is becoming more of a searchable platform." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about if you should still be using hashtags: What type of hashtags should you...
Ep. 466: Digital Products Are All The Rage, Should I Get Into It?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 466: Digital Products Are All The Rage. Should I Get Into It? "What are digital products?" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about digital products and should you get into it: What kinds of digital products are there?...
Ep. 465: Should I Discount My First Time Delivering Services?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 465: Should I Discount My First Time Delivering Services? "I believe when you're starting out, you start lower to get people to experience your expertise." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about should I discount my...
Ep. 464: 5 Levels Of Awareness
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 464: 5 Levels Of Awareness "Educate, give inside secrets, let people see what it is that you can do to help them!" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about the five levels of awareness: What are the five levels of...
Ep. 463: What Would I Do If I Had To Start Over?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 463: What Would I Do If I Had To Start Over? "Starting a business can be very overwhelming." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm answering the question 'what would I do if I had to start over?': Do you have money to invest? Use...
Ep. 462: Branding Series: My Brand Vibe Guide- 3/3
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 462: Branding Series: My Brand Vibe Guide- 3/3 "What are words you can think of that describe your inspiration? The more clear and specific you can be here, the better it will be." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about...
Ep. 461: Branding Series: 12 Branding Archetypes- 2/3
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 461: Branding Series: 12 Branding Archetypes- 2/3 "Archetypes are basic desires, instinctual. We feel them liberally." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, we're talking about archetypes: The 12 different branding archetypes.What it...
Ep. 460: Branding Series: Personal Branding- 1/3
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 460: Branding Series: Personal Branding- 1/3 "If you are building a personal brand, the entire company you have, the vision, the beliefs, the words that you use, all need to be cohesive and speak to your audience. You are the face of your...
Ep. 458: What’s The Biggest Thing That Separates Those Who Achieve Their Goals And Those Who Don’t?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 458: What's The Biggest Thing That Separates Those Who Achieve Their Goals And Those Who Don't? "Putting action behind everything really makes a big difference in your business." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm...
Ep. 457: Is It Worth Posting On My Business Page?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 457: Is It Worth Posting On My Business Page? "Video has become more important than any other type of content out there." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about if it's 'worth' posting on your business page: Your...
Ep. 456: Wix V. WordPress
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 456: Wix V. Wordpress? "Should I use Wix? Or should I use Wordpress?" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm answering a question I hear all the time, should I used Wix or Wordpress: Which platform do I use? Full data ownership: what...
Ep. 455: What Advice Would You Give To A New Entrepreneur To Set Them Up For Financial Success
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 455: What Advice Would You Give To A New Entrepreneur To Set Them Up For Financial Success? "Growing your business takes a lot of focus. It also takes a lot of consistency." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about the...
Ep. 454: Do You Feel Like A Failure?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 454: Do You Feel Like A Failure? "Do you feel like a failure?" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about failure: Are you feeling stuck or unworthy? It's pretty common. Impostor syndrome is a real thing! Success leaves...
Ep. 453: Using Email To Its Full Capacity
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 453: Using Email To Its Full Capacity "Email is truly the way to go. It's one of those types of audiences that you should build." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about using email to its full capacity: Are you using...
Ep. 452: Do I Need a Website as a Coach or Healer?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 452: Do I Need A Website As A Coach Or Healer? "Do I need a website as a coach or a healer? The answer might surprise you!" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm answering the question do you need a website as a coach or a healer:...
Ep. 451: Starting The Year Off With My New Personal Strategy
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 451: Starting The Year Off With My New Personal Strategy "I know I can't be the only one who lets things slide for way too long…" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about starting the new year: The things that you dread...
Ep. 450: Year In Review And Looking Ahead
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 450: Year In Review And Looking Ahead "Marketing With Intention is a fabulous program, I'm so proud of what it's turned into." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about the year in review: We're 450 podcast episodes in!...
Ep. 449: F.O.C.U.S.
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 449: F.O.C.U.S. "I always talk about focus because I think that entrepreneurs have lots of ideas. We're the creators of the world." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about F.O.C.U.S: What is F.O.C.U.S? If you can get...
Ep. 447: Systems Makes Your Business Run Smoothly
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 447: Systems make Your Business Run Smoothly "You give someone a free gift, they put in their name and email and now you have a free lead." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about systems that make your business run...
Ep. 446: Gratitude Is Always In Style
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 446: Gratitude Is Always In Style "Take everything with a grain of salt." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about gratitude: Where are the positives? Life can take us on paths we never wanted, but it is a choice to say...
Ep. 445: The Legal Side Of Your Business
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 445: The Legal Side Of Your Business "What do you absolutely need from a legal perspective when you start your business?" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about the legal side of your business: How to choose your...
Ep. 444: Content That WOWs Your Audience And Gets Them To Buy
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 444: Content That WOWs Your Audience And Gets Them To Buy "By you putting out content that's going to confirm to them that you can help flip the switch and help them get what they want you're now attracting those people to you because you...
Ep. 443: How To Find Your Target Audience
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 443: How To Find Your Target Audience "Really getting clear on your target market is the catalyst for what you want to do." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about how to find your target audience: Analyze your current...
Ep. 422: Figuring Out What Business Is Right For You
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 442: Figuring Out What Business Is Right For You "How can I figure out what business is right for me?" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about figuring out what business is right for you: What do you love to do? What...
Ep. 441: Top 5 Mistakes You May Be Making As An Online Entrepreneur
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 441: Top 5 Mistakes You May Be Making As An Online Entrepreneur "You have to see things through. Focus, one thing at a time!" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about the top five mistakes you might be making as an online...
Ep. 440: Tools I Currently Use In My Business (Part 3)
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 440: Tools I Currently Use In My Business (Part 3) "I've used Camtasia to edit videos for my YouTube, my freebies, and more. It does all the high level editing you'd need." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about tools I...
Ep. 439: What’s Missing From My Success?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 439: What's Missing From My Success? "Sales is the core of your business." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about what you might be missing that's keeping you from success: Think of money as energy: It's flowing in...
Ep. 438: Content Cadence
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 438: Content Cadence "If you're posting to Youtube once a month, you're consistent, but it's not often enough for people to remember who you are." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about content cadence: What are the...
Ep. 437: Should I Give It Away For Free?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 437: Should I Give It Away For Free? "If you are the type of person who has been through a lot, and you've made great strides in who you are today and where you came from, look back. Who you used to be is who your clients are." In this episode...
Ep. 436: Different Kinds of Marketing Challenges
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 436: Different Kinds Of Marketing Challenges "The reason people join a challenge is they want to achieve something in a short amount of time." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about different types of marketing...
Ep. 435: Attracting Ideal Clients
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 435: Attracting Ideal Clients "Would you want to work with you?" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about attracting your ideal clients: Are you who you'd hire if you were your own ideal client? How are people finding...
Ep. 434: Doubting Your Business?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 434: Doubting Your Business "Each step forward should be its own little achievement." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about doubting your business: Self doubt isn't always a bad thing. Believe in yourself! You have...
Ep. 433: What Is Social Selling?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 433: What Is Social Selling? "Social selling is a way to avoid the cold calling, cold messaging. You're leveraging your social channels as a way to develop prospects." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm answering the question...
Ep. 432: Elevator Pitch
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 432: Elevator Pitch "Networking is about relationship building not sales." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about your elevator pitch: What is an elevator pitch and when should you use it? Letting people know what you...
Ep. 431: I’m Not Allowed To Promote In Most of My Ideal Client Groups. Now What?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 431: I'm Not Allowed To Promote In Most of My Ideal Client Groups. Now What? "Creativity breeds success." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about what to do when you can't promote inside your ideal client groups: If...
Ep. 429: ROI
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 429: ROI "Your ROI is really important because it allows you to see if you're investing in things that will bring you a return." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about ROI, or return on investment: What does ROI stand...
Ep. 427: Cold Emailing v. Warm Emailing
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 427: Cold Emailing v. Warm Emailing "Who checks their spam folder?" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about cold emailing versus warm emailing: The difference between cold and warm emailing. Subscribers are people who...
Ep. 426: When To Talk About The Price For Your Services
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 426: When To Talk About The Price For Your Services "When you share your price with your target marketing is really integral to having them purchase." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about when to talk about the price...
Ep. 425: Increasing Your Membership
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 425: Increasing Your Membership "Most sales happen in the fourth or fifth follow up." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about increasing your membership: -Growing wide versus growing deep. What does this mean? -Spread...
Ep. 424: Naming Your Facebook Group
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 424: Naming Your Facebook Group "Adjective, adjective, noun." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about how to name your Facebook Group in a way that will attract your ideal client: Facebook group is a community and you...
Ep. 423: Organic v. Paid Traffic
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 423: Organic v. Paid Traffic "Paid traffic takes money. Organic traffic takes time." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about organic versus paid traffic: There are lots of types of marketing but I'm specifically talking...
Ep. 422: Recession Proofing Your Small Business
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 422: Recession Proofing Your Small Business "The aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic has cause a lot of crazy fluctuations in our economy." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about recession proofing your small business:...
Ep. 421: Tools I Currently Use In My Business (Part 2)
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 421: Tools I Currently Use In My Business (Part 2) "I was able to host my courses inside Clickfunnels! It made my business so streamlined and easy to use." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm explaining the tools I use in my...
Ep. 420: Tools I Currently Use In My Business (Part 1)
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 420: Tools I Currently Use In My Business Part 1 "I've been using Canva since day 1!" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about tools I use in my business: Some of these tools are for project management, graphic design,...
Ep. 419: Back To Basics-Posting On Social Media
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 419: Back To Basics-Posting On Social Media "You can take that one piece of content and break it up into 10 pieces of social media posts!" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about posting on social media: -What to post on...
Ep. 418: Can I Get Clients Without A Large Following?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 418: Can I Get Clients Without A Large Following? "Can I get clients without a large following?" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm answering that question and giving you examples of how to get clients without a large following:...
Ep. 417: Your Five Year Plan
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 417: Your Five Year Plan "I want you to think about your five year plan…" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about your five year plan: Writing down your goals first thing in the morning. What do you want to change? What...
Ep. 416: Learning How to Grow My Business Using Social Media
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 416: Learning How to Grow My Business Using Social Media "Like my page! Join my group! Download my free group!" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about learning how to grow your business using social media: Knowing your...
Ep. 415: Back to the Basics: Money Mindset
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 415: Back To Basics-Money Mindset "I want you to think about your relationship with money…" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, we're going back to the basics with money mindset: How do you feel about money? Do you have any fears...
Ep. 414: Honing In On Your Offer
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 414: Honing In On Your Offer "Having a signature offer means that you have something very special that sets you apart from others in your industry." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about how to hone in on what you have...
Ep. 413: When Life Gets In The Way
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 413: When Life Gets In The Way "I can guarantee you, when you're on this entrepreneurial journey life can get in the way." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about when life gets in the way: -I had surgery a few weeks...
Ep. 412: Should I Offer A Guarantee?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 412: Should I Offer A Guarantee? "People ask me all the time, 'Should I offer a guarantee?'" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm answering this question and explaining the science behind a guarantee: What is a guarantee in the...
Ep. 411: Back to the Basics: Setting Up Systems
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 411: Back to the Basics: Setting Up Systems "Systems create a foundation that allow you to live a full life, and not be a slave to your computer." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm going back to the basics and explaining why you...
Ep. 410: Putting Your Client’s Obstacles In Order To Sell A Great Program
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 410: Putting Your Client's Obstacles In Order To Sell A Great Program "Today we're gonna talk about obstacles that your prospective clients might have." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about your client's...
Ep. 409: Which Lead Gen Strategies Are Most Effective?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 409: Which Lead Gen Strategies Are Most Effective? "There are so many different types of lead generation strategies." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about which lead generation strategies are most effective: What is...
Ep. 408: Back To The Basics-Getting More Clients
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 408: Back To The Basics-Getting More Clients "We want to learn about the other person, we want to ask good questions, ask them about themselves." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm going back to the basics when it comes to...
Ep. 407: Inbound Or Outbound To Get Clients
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 407: Inbound Or Outbound To Get Clients "We never start with a pitch." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about inbound or outbound marketing to get clients: What is inbound and outbound marketing strategy? Ways to use...
Ep. 406: Get Rich Quick
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 406: Get Rich Quick "Wouldn't it be amazing if we could all get rich quick?" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about 'get rich quick' and what that really means: If it's too good to be true, it probably is. When you...
Ep. 405: Different Ways To Find Clients When You’re First Starting Out
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 405: Different Ways To Find Clients When You're First Starting Out "If you have a clear mindset, willing to roll up your sleeves and put the work in, you can get more clients!" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about...
Ep. 403: Interview with Denise Duffield-Thomas
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 403: Interview With Author Denise Duffield-Thomas "Double down on your strengths!" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, Meliss interviews Hay House four-time published author, Denise Duffield-Thomas: Breaking the...
Ep. 402: Planning Your Social Media
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 402: Planning Your Social Media "On LinkedIn, the skillset is really important. Try to get some endorsements, the best way to get endorsements is to give endorsements!" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about planning...
Ep. 401: Overcoming Objections
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 401: Overcoming Objections "Objections are something that will come up in every sales conversation you have, and it's a natural part of the sales process." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about ways to overcome...
Ep. 400: Can Spiritual Entrepreneurs Make Big Money?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 400: Can Spiritual Entrepreneurs Make Big Money? "Can spiritual entrepreneurs make big money?" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm answering the question 'Can spiritual entrepreneurs make big money?': Your services need to be...
Ep. 399: Prospecting
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 399: Prospecting "Prospecting consists of five things." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm giving you some tips and tricks to better your prospecting: Analyzing and deeply understanding who you want to attract before you approach...
Ep. 398: How To Grow A Following
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 398: How To Grow A Following "How do I grow my followers? I want to grow my following!" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm answering a popular question from the audience, how to grow a following: Positioning yourself as an expert...
Ep. 397: How Long Should I Stick To A Strategy?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 397: How Long Should I Stick To A Strategy? "The marketing you are doing today becomes the sales of tomorrow." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about how long you should stick to a strategy: Quality over quantity when...
Ep. 395: Sales Characteristics And Personalities
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 395: Sales Characteristics And Personalities "Personalities really do help you understand people so you can build a relationship that is authentic." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about the different sales...
Ep. 394: No Shame In Your Vacation Game
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 394: No Shame In Your Vacation Game "Have you taken a vacation recently?" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about taking a vacation and having your business at the same time: Vacation is a form of self care and is really...
Ep. 393: How Do I Get My Group Members To Engage?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 393: How Do I Get My Group Members To Engage? "A question from the audience-how do I get my group members to engage?" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm answering the question 'How do I get my group members to engage?':
Ep. 392: How To Use Your Profile To Sell (The Right Way)
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 382: How To Use Your Profile To Sell (The Right Way) "You can't just say 'join my program'. You have to show them you have the knowledge. Show up and teach." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about how to use your...
Ep. 391: How Do I Connect With My Target Audience If They Are Different From Me?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 391: How Do I Connect With My Target Audience If They Are Different From Me? "How do I connect with my target audience if they are different from me?" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm answering a question from the audience...
Ep. 390: Mastering Your Mindset
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 390: Mastering Your Mindset "You are your success catalyst…" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about mastering your mindset: What is your mindset? Why is it important? The six steps you can take to mastering your...
Ep. 389: Do I Need A Photoshoot?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 389: Do I Need A Photoshoot? "I get asked all the time…'Do I need a photoshoot?'" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking through if you need a photoshoot or not: How's your selfie game? Do you need something with a more...
Ep. 388: I’m Not Seeing Results From Posting, Should I Stop?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 388: I'm Not Seeing Results From Posting, Should I Stop? "I'm not seeing results from posting, should I stop?" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm answering the question "I'm not seeing any results from posting should I...
Ep. 387: How To Write A Sales Page
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 387: How To Write A Sales Page "The other day I had to write my own sales page…so I wrote one myself!" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about how to write a sales page: When I was a one woman show, I was doing...
Ep. 386: When Technology Makes You Wanna Cry
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 386: When Technology Makes You Want To Cry "Technology's going to do what technology wants to do and we've got to roll with the punches." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about when technology makes you wanna cry:...
Ep. 385: I’m In FB Jail. What Do I Do?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 385: I'm In FB Jail. What Do I Do? "Don't panic…" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about what do you do next if you're in Facebook Jail: The first few steps you should take when you find out you're in Facebook...
Ep. 384: Visibility Challenge
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 384: Visibility Challenge "Getting visible is one of the best things you can do so people actually know you exist!" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about visibility challenges: I share my 5 tips on how to get visible....
Ep. 383: Cold To Sold
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 383: Cold To Sold "We're not just pitching to be pitching, we're pitching because we know we can offer the solution to their problem." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about going from Cold to Sold: Explaining an...
Ep. 382: Start With Outcomes
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 382: Start With Outcomes "The frequency that it uses to communicate is at a much higher frequency than other whales…" In this episode of Marketing Tips with Meliss, I'm talking about frequency and starting with outcomes: The loneliness whale and...
Ep. 381: Should I Be On TikTok?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 381: Should I Be On TikTok? "Should I be on tiktok? Think about these questions and it'll answer your question." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm answering the question 'Should I be on TikTok?': I break down a few questions you...
Ep. 380: Solving Three Problems
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 380: Solving Three Problems "This episode is for you if you are struggling with connecting, wanting to help too many people, or if you have any 'way too many' moments." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about solving...
Ep. 379: Launching Affirmations
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 379: Launching Affirmations "I'm holding the box right now, I'm beaming, I'm grinning from ear to ear. When you have an idea, you follow through!" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about affirmations: I launched my...
Ep. 378: I Stopped And You Can Too!
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 378: I Stopped And You Can Too "What happens if life gets in the way?" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about stopping: Last month, I took two weeks off from posting consistently. Why? It's ok to take a break. Are you...
Ep. 377: Second Quarter Planning
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 377: Second Quarter Planning "It's really important to manage your business by looking ahead by a section of time." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about the importance of planning per quarter: How to execute your Q2...
Ep. 376: Trying to Fill a Group Program and Feeling Discouraged?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 376: Trying to Fill a Group Program and Feeling Discouraged? "I want you to think about that feeling and that excitement about it being the perfect fit, the perfect program. How good does it feel to sign a new client into a program?" In this...
Ep. 375: Top 3 Reasons Why Your Marketing Isn’t Working
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 375: Top 3 Reasons Why Your Marketing Isn’t Working "Marketing doesn't have to be a dirty word." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about the three reasons your marketing isn't working: Are you doing too many things at...
Ep. 374: How I Stay Consistent
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 374: How I Stay Consistent "The success that you see overtime is the motivation to keep going." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about how I stay consistent: It's a choice to show up everyday.The ways I make it into a...
Ep. 373: Automation For Your Business
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 373: Automation For Your Business "If you have lots of people on your team, you could be paying out more money than you need to." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about automation for your business: -Trading time for...
Ep. 372: Staying The Course
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 372: Staying The Course In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about staying the course: -What to do when students want to leave when it gets to hard.-Entrepreneur ups and downs.-What I did with my first podcasts. Connect...
Ep. 371: Building Your Network Using FB Groups
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 371: Building Your Network Using FB Groups "When you're accepted in a group, do an intro post!" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about the importance of building your network using FB groups: Facebook groups can be...
Ep. 370: Books I Highly Recommend
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 370: Books I Highly Recommend For Success "This is my 4th book, I've written two life coaching books, and two marketing books." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about books I highly recommend for success (I even mention...
Ep. 369: It’s Not A Good Fit
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 369: It's Not A Good Fit "You are the CEO of your business..." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about what to do when a client or a team member is not a good fit for your business: How do you know when it's not a...
Ep. 368: Growing Your Team
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 368: Growing Your Team "People wait until they've reached some amazing milestone before they bring in any help. I want you to shift the mindset a little bit…" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about growing your team:...
Ep. 367: Getting Higher Value Clients
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 367: Getting Higher Value Clients "You have to show up confidently. If you don't feel that way, your client will feel out of alignment if they are seeking confidence." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about getting...
Ep. 366: Do You Suffer From Shiny Object Syndrome?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 366: Do You Suffer From Shiny Object Syndrome? "Do you suffer from 'shiny object syndrome'? I believe it could be stopping you from your growth." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about what you should do if you feel...
Ep. 365: Being Pulled In A Different Direction?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 365: Being Pulled In A Different Direction? "Before I became a marketing strategist, I was a health and life coach…" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about what it's like (and what it means) when you feel like you're...
Ep. 364: Struggling To Get Clients
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 364: Struggling To Get Clients "The fortune is in the follow up." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm giving some advice on what you can do if you're struggling to get clients: My five day formula on finding clients who will...
Ep. 363: Change Why You Are Posting
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 363: Change Why You Are Posting "Are you posting content everyday? Are you showing up?" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about changing the way you are posting content to social media: Why are you posting content? Think...
Ep. 362: Need Help With Focus?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 362: Need Help With Focus? "How is your focus? Is it exactly where you want it to be?" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about focus: Start with a brain dump, use paper/pen, google doc, etc and write everything that...
Ep. 361: Your Client Journey
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 361: Your Client Journey "One of the most important things that you really need to understand and nail down is your client's journey." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about your client journey: The customer journey is...
Ep. 360: Why We Are Changing Our Name
Meliss Marketing · Ep. Why We Are Changing Our Name "For the last four years, our Facebook community was known as Magnetic Marketing Mastermind…" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about the BIG change we just made to the Facebook community:...
Ep. 359: Thinking Time
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 359: Thinking Time "I'm introverted, and I use that as a strength." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about how I spent some time during the winter break: Alone time can be thinking time for your business but also time...
Ep. 358: Social Proof… Even With No Clients
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 358: Social Proof... Even With No Clients "It's really important that we have social proof. If you want to build a stronger online reputation, you need social proof." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about what to do...
Ep. 357: What Is Beta Testing and Do I Need It?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 357: What Is Beta Testing and Do I Need It? "What is beta testing? Alpha testing? You may not have even heard of these yet." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about what is beta testing and the reasons why you need it:...
Ep. 356: Social Engagement
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 356: Social Engagement "How do we increase our engagement on social?" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about social engagement: The importance of being social and engaging with others on social media platforms.Planning...
Ep. 355: I Don’t Know What I’m Doing
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 355: I Don't Know What I'm Doing "Have you ever thought 'What am I doing?'" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about what to do when you've felt like you don't know what you're doing: Impostor Syndrome, most...
Ep. 354: Being Authentically You
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 354: Being Authentically You "There's so many ways to connect with your people, and I want you to do it in a way that feels comfortable to you." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about being authentically you: What to do...
Ep. 353: I Got My First Client, Now What?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 353: I Got My First Client, Now What? "When we overthink, we actually don't show up in the way we need to. We get too in our heads." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about getting your first client, and what happens...
Ep. 352: 8 Things You Must Have For Consistent Income
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 352: 8 Things You Must Have For Consistent Income "As soon as you define your niche, everything starts to fall into place." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about the eight things you must have for consistent income:...
Ep. 351: Fresh Start
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 351: Fresh Start "It is time for a fresh start, a clean slate." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about the new year and what that means: The idea of getting a fresh start.Set some new intentions, I share about how I set...
Ep. 350: Pleasures And Pain
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 350: Pleasures And Pain "The truth is, pleasures and pain is the heart of what marketing is about." In this -minute episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about the heart of marketing and how the pleasures and pain of your target...
Ep. 349: Not Enough Hours In The Day
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 349: Not Enough Hours In The Day "Do you ever feel like there's just not enough hours in the day? I feel like this all the time!" There are simply not enough hours in the day, and I'm not the only one having this problem. In this 16-minute...
Ep. 347: End Of Year Planning
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 347: End Of Year Planning "It's almost the end of the year, can you believe it?" We've done a lot of stuff this year, and I want you to reflect back on the previous year we've had-but also looking ahead and planning out the rest of the year. In...
Ep. 346: Let’s Get You Niched
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 346: Let's Get You Niched "If you help a certain category of people, you become the expert to that subset of people." In this 6-minute episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about niching down: Determine who your niche is.I go...
Ep. 345: Master These Skills As An Entrepreneur
"I asked a question in my group, 'What skills do you need to master in order to be a successful entrepreneur?'" In this 15-minute episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I compiled a list of things from my own experience and from my group about what skills you need to...
Ep. 343: Should I Give Up?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 343: Should I Give Up? "We all have thought about giving up in our business at one point-it's normal!" If you've ever felt like giving up in your business, you're not alone. It's pretty common, and it just means you're on the entrepreneur...
Ep. 342: I Can’t Afford It
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 342: I Can't Afford It "If you've ever been on a discover call and you're trying to sell your service…but then they say they 'can't afford it'. What do you do?" In this 11-minute episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm covering what you...
Ep. 341: What To Say On A Discovery Call
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 341: What To Say On A Discovery Call "Discovery calls are after you've built up a relationship with your prospect and they know you might be the answer to their problem…it's the last step before making the sale!" In this 19-minute episode of...
Ep. 340: How To Get My First Client
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 340: How To Get My First Client "I know how exciting it is to sign clients and make money, realizing you have the power to bring wealth into your family." It's empowering to know you are capable of doing this. It's also daunting if you don't...
Ep. 339: What Should I Offer In My Package?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 339: What Should I Offer In My Package? "When it comes to creating your signature program, you have to understand someone is going to want to purchase it when you have proven that you are the right fit for them." Many of my clients get hung up...
Ep. 338: Magnetizing Clients To You
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 338: Magnetizing Clients To You "If you're struggling with finding clients, getting clients to notice you're around or how to get in front of them instead of chasing them, this episode is for you." You have to be in the energy where you know...
Ep. 337: It’s Not All Roses
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 337: It's Not All Roses "Some days are just not easy. Sometimes things happen that make you want to rip your hair out, throw your laptop across the room and say I'm done." In this 11-minute episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking...
Ep. 336: Business Systems For Success
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 336: Business Systems For Success "What do you need to have in your business to make it well rounded and successful so you can grow and scale?" A lot of times I see clients with only part of the systems and struggling to grow. In this 9-minute...
Ep. 335: Consistent Action Means Consistent Income
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 335: Consistent Action Means Consistent Income "You have to squeeze your own glutes. You have to commit to yourself even when you don't feel like it. You show up, you do it, and you get it done." In this 14-minute episode of Marketing Tips With...
Ep. 334: How Are You Getting Sales?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 334: How Are You Getting Sales? "You know who really wants to know this? People who aren't really making sales. It's taking one step forward in lots of different directions, when really it should be taking steps towards one direction." How are...
Ep. 333: The Art Of The Offer
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 333: The Art Of The Offer "Your offer is really important when it comes to marketing something online." A few months ago I worked with a client who was an amazing healer. She was very sure who her target market was and what her niche was. But...
Ep. 322: Self-Doubt
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 332: Self Doubt "Have you ever felt 'I'm not good enough.'? That is the most common limiting belief." Do you ever compare yourself to others in your industry? In this 7-minute episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about self-doubt:...
Ep. 331: Clients Won’t Take Action
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 331: Clients Won't Take Action "Meliss, what happens when my clients aren't doing the work?" How should you handle it when certain clients don't take action? In this 8-minute episode, I'm talking about what to do when clients won't take...
Ep. 330: Best Ways To Grow Your FB Community
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 330: Best Ways To Grow Your FB Community "There are so many places where we can build our following." How do you grow a Facebook group? In this 17-minute episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about the best ways to grow your...
Ep. 329: The Power Of Your Program
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 329: The Power Of Your Program "Are you completely confident in your program? Are you completely confident in your offer? Are you excited to share it with the world?" If the answer is no, you are going to have a really hard time selling your...
Ep. 328: Marketing Your First Course
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 328: Marketing Your First Course "To market something means that you need to let people know that it exists. You need to tell them in several different ways." You've made your first course, and now it's time to market it. Make sure you...
Ep. 327: Intro To Course Creation
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 327: Intro To Course Creation "If you don't have an audience, you won't be making passive income." Don't over complicate things. In this 8-minute episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about course creation: Make sure you have...
Ep. 326: Questions From The Audience Part 2
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 326: Questions From The Audience Part 2 "If you have a passion to make money and that is the driving force, where is the value?" This is part two of our questions from the audience series. In this 13-minute episode of Marketing Tips With...
Ep. 325: Questions From The Audience Part 1
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 325: Questions From The Audience Part 1 "If I'm going to talk to a healer, I'm going to use language they understand." These are some of the questions that came up in my latest round of Thanks For The Clients!™ Challenge Group. In...
Ep. 324: Content Creation That Means Something
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 324: Content Creation That Means Something "Strategy is the opposite of being overwhelmed." When I say you need a content strategy, it just means you need to have a plan. In this 7-minute episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking...
Ep. 323: Growing Your Email List Organically
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 323: Growing Your Email List Organically "Sometimes we think we need to run ads, and really we don't. There's an organic way to do it!" The growth of our business is directly related to the growth of your email list. In this 8-minute...
Ep. 322: The Latest Marketing Trend
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 322: The Latest Marketing Trend "It slowly gained popularity, and now we're at this point in time where if you're not doing this, you may be leaving money on the table." In this 9-minute episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking...
Ep. 321: Do. Delegate. Ditch. Delay.
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 321: Do. Delegate. Ditch. Delay. "When I create a new project or program, when I'm in creation mode I do set timelines and deadlines." We have all these ideas, so many things going on, and working longer hours than we hoped because we...
Ep. 320: Optimizing Series-Optimizing Your Time 5/5
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 320: Optimizing Series-Optimizing Your Time 5/5 "When we are trying to manifest things and attract things that we truly desire we do need to work harder on being a better person. It doesn't have to be hard! It can come naturally."...
Ep. 319: Optimizing Series-Optimizing Your Social Media 4/5
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 319: Optimizing Series-Optimizing Your Social Media 4/5 "Within each and every one of these social platforms you have the ability to search your analytics, your insights, your data." When it comes to your social media, we want to make...
Ep. 318: Optimizing Series- Optimizing Your Spirituality 3/5
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 318: Optimizing Series- Optimizing Your Spirituality 3/5 "When it comes to optimizing your spirituality, what we're talking about is becoming a better version of yourself and becoming closer to your spiritual journey." In this 14-minute...
Ep. 317: : Optimizing Series- Optimizing Your Facebook Group 2/5
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 317: Optimizing Series-Optimizing Your FB Group 2/5 "Having a Facebook group is incredibly important, so you might as well optimize it." In this 10-minute episode of Marketing Tips with Meliss, I'm continuing the Optimizing Series with tips on...
Ep. 316: Optimizing Series: Optimizing Your Facebook Page 1/5
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 316: Optimizing Series: Optimizing Your FB Page 1/5 "To fully optimize your page you should have everything filled out." In this 11-minute episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about optimizing your Facebook page: My personal...
Ep. 315: Growing Past 6 Figures
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 315: Growing Past 6-Figures? "Growing our business feels important." When you move beyond being a solopreneur, you move into a leadership position. You learn a different set of skills that can help you grow past six figures. In this...
Ep. 314: Creating Your Marketing Plan
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 314: Creating Your Marketing Plan "Once you have a plan, stick to it. Follow it consistently." It's really hard to show up and do something without a plan. The same is true for marketing. In this 12-minute episode of Marketing Tips With...
Ep. 313: AIDA For Your Marketing
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 313: AIDA For Your Marketing "Yes, people have been marketing things since the 1800s, believe it or not!" How are you creating brand awareness? When building a personal brand you want to capture your own voice and personality in your...
Ep. 312: It Wasn’t Always Like This
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 312: It Wasn't Always Like This "If I can go from over drafting my bank account, to multiple 5-figure months every single month, then you can to." In this 9-minute episode, I'm getting real vulnerable with the topic of consistent income:...
Ep. 311: Change. Evolve. Grow. Repeat
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 311: Change. Evolve. Grow. Repeat "Change is inevitable. Evolving is not." In this 7-minute episode I'm talking about how to see success after changing and evolving: Reevaluate your target market every three months, the type of person you...
Ep. 310: Here It Comes Again…Thanks For The Clients!™
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 310: Here it comes again...Thanks For The Clients!™ "If you have felt misunderstood, there might be a disconnect in how you are attracting your clients." In this 5-minute episode we are talking about clients: With a personal branded...
Ep. 309: Do You Know How To Market Research?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 309: Do You Know How To Market Research? "When in doubt, you just have to ask." In this 7-minute episode I'm talking about market research: Asking questions is the best way to learn. It's better to ask a million questions than to assume...
Ep. 308: Evolution of Service
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 308: Evolution of Service "When you evolve, a lot of different things happen. You become better, strong, and more aligned with yourself." In this 6-minute podcast I'm talking about the evolution of service: When you evolve so does...
Ep. 307: Growing Your Email List
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 307: Growing Your Email List "Growing your email list is such and important part of growing your online business." In this 7-minute episode I'm talking about growing your email list and why it's important: You can grow your list both...
Ep. 306: Pre-Screening
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 306: Pre-Screening "Your dream clients are sitting right in front of you." In this 7-minute episode I'm talking about the word 'pre-screening': What is niching down? Pre-screening qualifies the people coming to your discovery call or...
Ep. 305: Boundaries For Self Care
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 305: Boundaries For Self Care "I want you to write this down and read it. 'I deserve to ask for what I need'. You matter. Your self care matters. Your self love matters." In this 9-minute episode, I'm talking about boundaries for...
Ep. 304: People Are Watching
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 304: People Are Watching "It doesn't matter if you get 0 or 100 likes, you want to continue promoting your business." In this 10-minute episode I'm talking about how people are watching: People are always watching, even if you don't see the...
Ep. 303: Scheduling Freedom
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 303 Scheduling Freedom "It might sound a little weird, and I know that-but when you can stick to a schedule you can get a lot more done." In this 8-minute episode I'm talking about scheduling freedom: Quarterly planning and how this helps my...
Ep. 302: Failure Is A Feature
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 302: Failure Is A Feature "Failure is a feature, and when you have this mindset failure is something you look forward to." In this 7-minute episode, I'm talking about why failure is a feature and what that means: MVP is the minimum viable...
Ep. 301: Work/Life Balance
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 301: Work/Life Balance "Work/life balance is having balance or equilibrium where you are balancing the demands of your business and the demands of your self and family." In this episode I'm talking about the work/life balance: Everything...
Ep. 300: A Millionaire’s Streams Of Income
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 300: A Millionaire's Streams Of Income "Most millionaires have seven streams of income." In this 8-minute episode, I'm talking about the saying 'the average millionaire has seven streams of income': The different ways this saying breaks income...
Ep. 299: Free Places To Promote Yourself
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 299: Free Places To Promote Yourself "The good news is, although you do have to build brand awareness and visibility, you can also position yourself as an expert in your industry without spending money." In this 15-minute episode...
Ep. 298: The Law Of Success
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 298: The Law Of Success "It's very important to understand that success in inevitable. Success is a law. If it's meant to be, it will be. And if you believe this, you'll reach success." In this 6-minute episode I'm talking about the law of...
Ep. 297: There Are No Shortcuts
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 297: There Are No Shortcuts "There are no shortcuts when it comes to building your business online." In this 7-minute episode, I'm talking about how there are no shortcuts when it comes to building your business, even if it looks like some other...
Ep. 296: Doing All The Things And Still No Leads?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 296: Doing All The Things And Still No Leads? "If you're doing all the things and still getting no leads we need to figure out what is going on. It's some sort of block, some sort of limiting belief. It's normal, it's ok." In this...
Ep. 295: Laws of Polarity and Correspondence
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 295: Laws of Polarity and Correspondence "Polarity is having two sides to everything, the good and evil, the love and hate, the negative energy and the positive energy. Everything in this world has balance." In this 9-minute episode, I'm talking...
Ep. 294: Bro Marketing
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 294: Bro Marketing "Bro Marketing. The way I envision this term coming about is fraternity boys. Fraternity boys showing off their marketing skills." In this 12-minute episode I'm explaining the term 'bro marketing' and what we can...
Ep. 293: How To Be A Podcast Guest
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 293: How To Be A Podcast Guest "Getting on a podcast can be a challenge, especially if you're never done it before." In this 13-minute episode, I'm talking about how to be a podcast guest and some tips you can use to get on more podcasts:...
Ep. 292: Should You Name Your Price Online?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 292: Should You Name Your Price Online? "They make a decision on whether or not they want to work with you or whether or not they want to book a call with you just from the price that they see." In this 6-minute episode I'm talking...
Ep. 291: Plan D Sometimes Works Best
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 291: Plan D Sometimes Works Best "We are the ones who problem-solve when there is a need for something in the market. When there is a need, we create it. But sometimes, things don't go as planned." In this 9-minute episode I'm talking...
Ep. 290: The Energy Of Abundance
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 290: The Energy Of Abundance "Everything springs from here. This determines how much money you make, how much time you have...this is the energy of abundance!" In this 6-minute episode I'm talking about the energy of abundance:...
Ep. 289: Why You Don’t Show Up In The Newsfeed
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 289: Why You Don't Show Up In The Newsfeed "Why don't I show up in the newsfeed? I'm posting, I'm commenting, I'm doing everything I should be!" In this 9-minute episode I'm explaining why you don't show up in the newsfeed on social...
Ep. 288: It’s Such CRAP!
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 288: It's Such Crap "Tap into your creativity. Everything you need is inside of you already. You are the creator in your life and business." In this 9-minute episode I'm talking about a lesson my 12-year old son taught me in a...
Ep. 287: Tweak, Test, Triumph
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 287: Tweak, Test, Triumph "I know that running an online business is not easy. I know that it takes time, and sometimes that time is frustrating." In this 11-minute episode I'm talking about tweaking: I talk about a client of mine who was...
Ep. 286: How To Sell As An Introvert
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 286 How To Sell As An Introvert "We're not only talking about sales, we're talking about sales specifically for introverts." In this 16-minute episode I'm talking about how to sell as an introvert: The differences between introverts and...
Ep. 285: Steps To Scaling
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 285: Steps To Scaling "How is scaling different from growing?" In this 9-minute episode I'm explaining the difference between scaling and growing your business, and what the steps to scaling are including: Growing refers to investing in...
Ep. 284: How’s Your Money Mindset?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 284: How's Your Money Mindset? "I have a question for is your money mindset?" As a business owner, I have learned throughout the years that I have to be totally aligned with my mindset. In this 13-minute podcast I'm...
Ep. 283: How Did My Challenge Go This Time?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 283: How Did My Challenge Go This Time? "I think it's important for me to be able to break down the data that came from this so you can see how a challenge can be successful for your business and learn from the data and improve." In this...
Ep. 282: Do You Know Your Top 5?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 282: Do You Know Your Top 5? "Do you know your top 5? Coming up with consistent content that provides value to your prospects and converts them into clients can be a bit of a challenge sometimes..." In this 8-minute episode, I'm talking about...
Ep. 281: Quit Worrying About What They Think
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 281: Quit Worrying About What They Think "Have you ever felt nervous to post on social media because you are worried your friends will think one way or another about you?" In this 9-minute episode I'm talking about why you should...
Ep. 280: Let’s Talk About Money
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 280: Let's Talk About Money "It's April 15th! Here in the US, it's Tax Day! Let's talk about money." In this 14-minute episode I'm excited to talk about money: Profit First by Mike Michalowicz Know where your money comes from, how much...
Ep. 279: How To Increase Your Course Sales
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 279: How To Increase Your Course Sales "If you are just starting out and want to go straight into course sales, you might have a hard time getting course sales. Before you hop into courses thinking it's the end all be all, let's be smart...
Ep. 278: Hiring For Your Team
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 278: Hiring For Your Team "How do you actually hire a virtual assistant to add to your team?" Recently I had to hire someone for my team, and so did one of my 1:1 clients, so I wrote down all of the steps of hiring a virtual assistant to...
Ep. 277: Once I Figured This Out I Started Making $10K+ Month
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 277: Once I Figured This Out I Started Making $10K+ Month "One very powerful thing that came out of this conversation was the importance of delegation, automation, and elimination..." I love hosting and co-hosting Clubhouse rooms....
Ep. 276: Time To Make It Happen
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 276: Time To Make It Happen "What are your goals? Are you on the way to get them done?" If you want to make stuff happen in your business this year, let's get on the train right now. Sometimes it's just a few little tweaks...
Ep. 275: My Best Business Investments
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 275 My Best Business Investments "People always say 'you need to invest in your need to put money back into your business if you want it to grow' and I 100% agree but there's a lot of different ways to do this and ALL of...
Ep. 274: It’s Time To Run FB Ads…Or Not!
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 274: It's Time To Run FB Ads...Or Not! "I want clients, and I want to run Facebook ads!" I work with a lot of people who say this, and it might not be the right time to run Facebook ads. In this 14-minute episode I'm talking about when...
Ep. 273: Universal Laws For Business And Marketing
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 273: Universal Laws For Business and Marketing "There are actually 12 universal laws!" Everyone knows about the Law Of Attraction, but did you know there are actually 12 different laws? In this 20-minute episode I'm going to talk to you...
Ep. 272: How To Network Properly
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 272: How To Network Properly "Networking brings me joy." If you had asked me 10 or 15 years ago if I liked networking, the answer would have been 'Hell no!', but now that I know how to network properly, I love it! In this 14-minute...
Ep. 271: How To Handle A Not Perfect Fit Client
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 271: How To Handle A Not Perfect Fit Client "Have you ever had a client that drives you insane? The relationship between you and a client is just as important as a relationship between you and a friend." Sometimes we find ourselves with...
Ep. 270: I Just Don’t Like It
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 270 I Just Don't Like It "There are things in our life that we don't like. There are things in our business that we don't like." Today we're talking about things we just don't like to do. Often we talk about how wonderful our business is,...
Ep. 269: Is It Hard To Start A Podcast?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 269: Is It Hard To Start A Podcast "Is it hard to start a podcast?" I started podcasting back in the day when I thought 'hey, why not? I can talk to myself in the shower and in the car, why not record it and give some value to...
Ep, 268: Marketing Your Biz On Clubhouse
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 268: Marketing Your Biz With Clubhouse "How can you use Clubhouse to market your business?" Clubhouse is a new app (in beta for iPhone/iPad users) that you may have heard about. What's so important about it? In this 20-minute episode I'm...
Ep. 267: What The Tech?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 267: What The Tech "We have so many love-hate relationships with technology because it is an integral part of running a business." When we're running a virtual business we have to be pretty familiar with technology. In this...
Ep. 266: The Thing Most Biz Owners Struggle With
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 266 The Thing Most Biz Owners Struggle With "I posted this in a group of mine 'What is something you're struggling with as a business owner?' and every single comment pretty much said the same thing....getting clients." Lucky for you, I...
Ep. 265: My Big Spill (And What It Taught Me)
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 265 My Big Spill (And What It Taught Me) "I want you to think about your stomach, your gut. This is where we feel feelings. When you feel your feelings, you can be guided by intuition." What happens when we ignore these feelings?...
Ep. 264: Doubting Yourself?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 264: Doubting Yourself? "Are you doubting yourself in your business? Let's talk it out!" If you have ever thought that you are not good enough, or what if I can't provide the results that I said I could to this client, you are not...
Ep. 263: Packaging Your Offers
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 263: Packaging Your Offers "Packaging is important because it's how we put together our offers and show the world what we do and how we do it." Your offer has to be packaged in a way that makes sense to your audience, and how you package it will...
Ep. 262: Top Ways To Market Your Service-Based Business
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 262: Top Ways To Market Your Service-Based Business "You know I love social media, particularly Facebook, but there are a lot of things you can do!" In this 18-minute episode I'm talking about: Online marketing is vast! There are so many...
Ep. 261: What I Love About What I Do
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 261: What I Love About What I Do "If you're not doing what you love doing, it's time to revisit why." In this 10-minute episode, I'm talking about how much I love what I do and why: Being a part of someone's transformation Growth...
Ep. 260: Who’s A Planner
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 260: Who's A Planner "Planning is important when you're building a business. You need a plan to follow so that you're not just throwing spaghetti on the wall and hoping it sticks." Planning ahead is a pitfall for many people, and...
Ep. 259: How To Validate Your Dream Client
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 259: How To Validate Your Dream Client "When it comes to validating your audience, this is something that you need to do that many people forget about." Once you have your ideal audience mapped out, it's important to validate that...
Ep. 258: Top Questions From The Audience Part 3
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 258 Top Questions From The Audience Part 3 "What is the fastest way to get clients organically?" Today is the third episode of our questions from the audience series this month. In this 18-minute episode I'm answering...
Ep. 257: But I’m Scared To Go Live!
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 257: But I'm Scared To Go Live "But Meliss, I'm scared to go live!" I know so many coaches and healers who are scared to go live, and today we are talking about ways to get over that fear. I know that going live can be scary. In...
Ep. 256: Fear Of Failure
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 256 Fear Of Failure "Fear of failure can really stop us from doing anything because failure is inevitable on the way to success. It's part of the process." Let's talk about failure... In this 10-minute episode, I'm talking about...
Ep. 255: Top Questions From The Audience Part 2
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 255: Top Questions From The Audience Part 2 "I'm a great life coach, but I'm not great at marketing myself." Today is the second episode of our questions from the audience series this month. In this 17-minute episode I'm answering...
Ep. 254: Increase Your Business With Money Mapping
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 254: Increase Your Business With Money Mapping "Money mindset is really important when it comes to building your business and figuring out what those next steps are in your business." If you're feeling stuck or you want to increase...
Ep. 253: Top Questions From The Audience Part 1
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 253 Top Questions From The Audience Part 1 "How do I get ideal paying clients?" This month I will have a few podcasts where I take questions from the audience and I answer them. In this 13-minute episode I'm answering three...
Ep. 252: Facebook Group Growth
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 252: Facebook Group Growth "You have to devote a lot of effort to growing your Facebook group." It can be very challenging to grow you Facebook group. In this 14-minute episode I'm giving you my tips on growing your Facebook group....
Ep. 251: 2021 Goal Setting
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 251: 2021 Goal Setting "Welcome to 2021! Today we're talking about goal setting." Goal setting is the reason why I've experienced massive growth in my business. In this 16-minute episode I'm breaking down goal setting and why it's...
Ep. 250: Put Away The 24/7
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 250: Put Away The 24/7 "If you are running an online service-based personal brand business, it is very easy to get sucked into your business. I know because this happens to me as well." In this 10-minute episode, I'm talking about the...
Ep. 249: Clearing Out My Stuff
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 249: Clearing Out My Stuff "A couple of weeks ago I cleared out my storage unit. I was able to have an enormous yard sale to clear out my stuff." Having a yard sale is kind of like attracting your target market. In this 7-minute episode,...
Ep. 248: The Cycle Of Easy
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 248: The Cycle Of Easy "You know I've got a lot on my plate (being a single mother, taking care of my sick dad, running a business-that's just to name a few!), and the only way I can fit it all in is by being intentional." In this 14-minute...
Ep. 247: Growing Your FB Group
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 247 Growing Your FB Group "You must have heard that growing a Facebook group is an amazing piece of the marketing puzzle that will help you build a relationship with your prospects and help them see the value in what it is you offer and...
Ep. 246: So How Did My Challenge Do?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 246: So How Did My Challenge Do? "We're breaking down the numbers of my most recent 'Thanks For The Clients' Challenge group!" In this 10-minute episode, I'm talking about data from my Thanks For The Clients!™ Challenge group: -My...
Ep. 245: Step Outside And Look In
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 245: Step Outside And Look In "You learn to make the best of it." My family has a pet bearded dragon. He likes to sit at the top of his heated rock and waits for the crickets he eats to come to him before he goes after them. The cricket...
Ep. 244: This Month’s YouTube Contest!
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 244: This Month's YouTube Contest The 250th podcast episode is coming up soon and I'm celebrating it with a contest! This content is where you can win a FREE 1-Hour 1:1 strategy session with me! In this 5-minute episode of Marketing Tips With...
Ep. 243: How I Get It All Done
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 243: How I Get It All Done "I know that there are a lot of overwhelmed people who are asking all the time 'How do I get this done? There are only so many hours in the day!'" There's so...
Ep. 242: Attitude of Gratitude
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 242: Attitude Of Gratitude "Thanksgiving-a time of year to reflect and show gratitude for all of the amazing things this year." It's always a good time to talk about gratitude and things I'm grateful for. In this 10-minute episode...
Ep. 241: Following A Formula
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 241: Following A Formula "Most people believe you follow a formula and 'POOF!' get more clients." Do you follow a formula? In this 10-minute episode I'm talking about formulas for your marketing: -Avoid the 'quick fixes'-It's really not...
Ep. 240: Coach Or VA?
"Is it time to hire a coach or virtual assistant?" A lot of people ask me this question, and I'm so proud that you've recognized that you are ready for this step. In this 13-minute episode I talk about how to know which one is best for where you are now: -The...
Ep. 239: Bringing The Leads Back
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 239: Bringing In The Leads "A lead is someone in your circle, someone you've connected with and exchanged info with." How does a lead turn into a sale? In this 12-minute episode I'm talking about leads: -Organic vs. Paid traffic...
Ep. 238: How’s Your Planning Game?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 238: How's Your Planning Game? "Planning is really important in your business." If you don't plan, everything else in your business can come crashing down. I get a lot of women requesting help with their launches, but often it's only two weeks...
Ep. 237: Last Chance To Finish Strong-Thanks For The Clients!
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 237: Last Chance To Finish Strong- Thanks For The Clients! We're coming up to the end of 2020-do you see this as an opportunity? The marketing you do today is the sales you bring in tomorrow. In this 10-minute episode I'm talking about:...
Ep. 236: Different Types Of Podcasts
"There are many different types of podcasts and different ones might work better for your business, or for your schedule in your life." Podcasting is a form of content just like blogs, going live on Facebook, Youtube videos, and things of that nature. In this...
Ep. 235: Which Platforms Are The Best For Business?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 235: Which Platforms Are The Best For Business Which platforms are the best for business if you are trying to grow or scale your business? I'm busting a BIG myth: Cross platforming isn't necessary. It's a bit of a tricky myth, but...
Ep. 234: I Don’t Know What My Podcast Should Be About
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 234:I Don’t Know What My Podcast Should Be About "Oh man, what am I gonna talk about today?" If you've ever thought that when prepping your podcast (or blog) content then this episode is for you. In this 8-minute episode, I'm talking...
Ep. 233: Planning For The Last Quarter
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 233: Planning For The Last Quarter Planning your content for the last quarter is a great way to take a huge chunk of work off your plate so you can focus on your clients. By planning out my content in quarters I am able to have...
Ep. 232: Jump And The Net Will Appear
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 232: Jump and The Net Will Appear Jumping in the spiritual and emotional way is a prominent thing in your business. Ready to find out how? Fear of something can keep you stuck. In this 10-minute episode I talk about: Success is beyond...
Ep. 231: Procrastination v. Motivation
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 231: Procrastination v. Motivation "When it comes to procrastination this is the idea that we can put it off or do it tomorrow." Maybe this sounds like you, and it might be time to change those habits because to run an efficient business...
Ep. 230: Facebook’s Currency
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 230: Facebook's Currency Facebook has it's own little tricks in how it works best-it's own "currency". What is Facebook's currency? Engagement! Facebook feels that if they are entertaining their users, their users...
Ep. 228: My Business Weakness
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 228: My Business Weakness "The truth is we all have business weaknesses-and it's ok to think that you are less than perfect." I'm going to get a little vulnerable here today. The truth is I'm terrible with numbers! They overwhelm me....
Ep. 227: The 8 P’s Of Marketing
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 227: The 8 P’s of Marketing "When you are creating marketing strategy just remember these 8 P's and if it fits you are well ahead of the game." Are you considering revamping your marketing strategy? Maybe you're planning the rest...
Ep. 226: Creating Urgency In Your Marketing
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 226: Creating Urgency In Your Marketing "Urgency in your marketing is one of the most important things you can utilize to get people to take action." It's a marketing necessity! When it comes to urgency and how it...
Ep. 229: How To Grow Before You Scale
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 229: How To Grow Before You Scale Growth comes before scaling. Want to scale your business? Let's take a few steps back. There's so many different ways you need to just grow before you take that next step to scaling. In this...
Ep. 225: Lost Your Inspiration?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 225: Lost Your Inspiration? "Every entrepreneur goes through this. It doesn't mean that something's wrong with you, it doesn't mean that you're not good enough." It just means you've lost your inspiration. In this 9-minute episode...
Ep. 224: How To Pick The Perfect Avatar
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 224: How To Pick The Perfect Avatar "How can I find the right avatar?" You might know this term as your dream customer, ideal client, or target market. What is an avatar? People who are digesting my content, listening...
Ep. 223: Time To Pivot
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 223: Time To Pivot "Pivot!" Do you think of Ross from Friends when you hear the word 'pivot'? We have a lot of craziness going on in our world right now and that affects our personal lives as well as our businesses. When we see a...
Ep. 222: Perfectionism: Good Or Bad For Business?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 222 : Perfectionism: Good Or Bad For Business? "There is no human being on this earth who is perfect. All of us have flaws." How many of you feel that you are a perfectionist? When it comes to perfectionism, being perfect as we know it...
Ep. 221: Blinders On Or Off?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 221: Blinders On Or Off? To hear this episode of Marketing Tips with Meliss you have to put your blinders on! Don’t get distracted by shiny objects, focus on reaching your goals. Be consistent with the one plan you made and go for it!...
Ep. 220: Scheduling Your Day
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 220: Scheduling Your Day In this episode of Marketing Tips with Meliss you will learn how to manage your time by scheduling your day. Use these tips so you can have time for your family, relationship, and YOU! “You're an entrepreneur, you own...
Ep. 219: Your Biggest Mistake In Business
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 219: Your Biggest Mistake In Business Learning from your mistakes can help you grow your business. Am I making too many mistakes? Life experience is what helps you grow! How much should I price my services? Don’t give away everything for free!...
Ep. 218: 80% of Your Business Should Be This
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 218: 80% of Your Business Should Be This What should 80% of your business be? This episode has the tips and tricks to getting more clients and more engagement through sales and marketing! Should I focus on my leads? The sales you do today came...
Ep. 217: Building Connections On Social Media
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 217: Building Connections On Social Media Build your connection on your favorite social media platform without sounding salesy or scammy. Be authentic and personable as the human being that you are! Can I grow my followers? It’s very...
Ep. 216: What You Must Have To Grow Past 6-Figures
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 216: What You Must Have To Grow Past 6-Figures There are some steps to follow to make your business grow significantly. In the next few minutes you will learn how! How do I make a name for myself? Be consistent! Should I delegate? Nurture your...
Ep. 215: How Many Emails Should You Send Your Subscribers?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 215: How Many Emails Should You Send Your Subscribers? You can build engagement through an email newsletter, creating weekly content for your subscribers. Statistics show that the more engagement, the more emails they want to...
Ep. 214: This Sneaky Mindset Is Holding You Back
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 214: This Sneaky Mindset Is Holding You Back Scale your business in 90 days by changing your mindset into getting clients, leads and success. Trusting in yourself is the key so everything works out. Should I change my scarcity mindset?...
Ep. 213: Sometimes, Things Take Time
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 213: Sometimes, Things Take Time Moving your business takes time. Change your mindset towards the goals you want to achieve and remember: the marketing that you do today, is the sales you’ll do in 90 days. Do we need patience? Like a butterfly,...
Ep. 212: Mapping Out Your Wins
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 212: Mapping Out Your Wins Having a map of your journey and successes is important for your business. Tune into this episode where I talk about how to map out your wins. Do we need a map to keep track of our success? There’s...
Ep. 211: How To Nurture Your Email List
Emails are a great way to communicate with your audience, build your audience, and get people to see the type of person that you are. Should I have an email list? Yes, It’s the best way for getting people to know your business! Isn’t social media the best way...
Ep. 210: Shut Out The Noise
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 210: Shut Out The Noise Having the right support system but following what works best for you in your business is key. Tune into this episode where I talk about how its important to shut out the noise and be your true authentic...
Ep. 209: What Is Content Marketing?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 209: What Is Content Marketing? There are several types of marketing but one of the most powerful is Content Marketing. Tune into this episode where I talk all about Content Marketing and how it can really benefit your business. Do you use...
Ep. 208: Facebook Ads… YES or NO?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 208: Facebook Ads... YES or NO? Should you be using Facebook Ads for your business? Tune into this episode where I share my tips for Facebook Ads and how you will know when you are ready for them! What are Facebook Ads? … Facebook...
Ep. 207: How To Write Posts That Attract Your Ideal Target Market
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 207:How To Write Posts That Attract Your Ideal Target Market Your posts on Social Media are important to connecting with your ideal target market. Tune into this episode to learn how to make a plan and connect with your future clients! How do...
Ep. 206: How To Find Your Ideal Clients Without Spending Hours On Facebook
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 206: How To Find Your Ideal Clients Without Spending Hours On Facebook How do you find ideal clients? … The last thing you want to do is put hours into Facebook and not have any time for your business or yourself. How much time do you spend on...
Ep. 205: Some Of My Favorite Tech Tools For Automation
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 205: Some Of My Favorite Tech Tools For Automation Using automation in your business is essential to keeping you balanced in your business and everyday life. Tune into this episode where I share some of my favorite automation tech tools...
Ep. 204: How To Create Specific Offers For Your Ideal Client
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 204: How To Create Specific Offers For Your Ideal Client Having a special offer for your ideal client can help bring you people through the door! Tune in to learn my tips to identifying and creating that special offer! Do you have an offer for...
Ep. 203: Are You Doing It All Wrong?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 203: Are you doing it all wrong? Sometimes even when you are active on Social Media, you just don’t seem to be getting clients. Tune into this episode where I share my tips to knowing what you are doing wrong and ways you can fix...
Ep. 202: There Are Too Many People That Do What I Do
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 202: There Are Too Many People That Do What I Do Did you ever think that the coaching industry is saturated? Do you feel that there are too many coaches and that’s why you don't get clients? In this episode I will tell you the...
Ep. 201: Money Will Make You More Of What You Already Are
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 201: Money Will Make You More Of What You Already Are Why fear money? The abundance mindset is like water: you shouldn't worry because there will always be more and more! Money will amplify your life towards a better one, and...
Ep. 200: Successful Coaches and Healers Connect
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 200: Successful Coaches and Healers Connect Growth and Authenticity! I am very happy to share the 200th episode with you! Thanks for joining us. In this episode I, Meliss Jakubovic of Meliss Marketing, chat with Leah Marie, Bisi...
Ep. 199: Perfection is the Enemy of Progress
Do you feel pressure to be perfect? It's ok not to be perfect in your business. In this episode, host Meliss Jakubovic talks about how perfection is the enemy of progress. -As a recovering perfectionist, Meliss understands how hard it can be to just let progress...
Ep. 198: Getting Butts In Seats
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 198: Butts In Seats How many of us suffer from the feast and famine cycle? In this episode, host Meliss Jakubovic talks about getting butts in seats, and her top tips on how to avoid the vicious cycle of feast vs. famine. -It's ok to go...
Ep. 197: Full Of Challenges Or Opportunities
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 197: Full Of Challenges Or Opportunities There are many challenges that can happen for your business during these rough times. Tune into this episode where I share my tips for adapting to these challenges and how to find opportunities...
Ep. 196: Is It Time For An Online Course?
Meliss Marketing · Ep 196: Is It Time For An Online Course? There are many factors to consider when thinking about launching an online course. Tune into this episode where I share my tips to knowing when the time is right and how an online course can help you! Also...
Ep. 195: Facebook’s New Messenger Groups
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 195: Facebook’s New Messenger Groups Facebook has come out with a new group messenger feature. Tune into this episode where I share my experience with this new feature and my thoughts on if it’s beneficial for your business. Do you use...
Ep. 194: 3 Sure Fire Ways to Kick Imposter Syndrome to the Curb
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 194: 3 Sure Fire Ways to Kick Imposter Syndrome to the Curb -This episode is also in video version, check it out on our YouTube!- We all sometimes feel stressed and not good enough when it comes to our business. Tune into this episode where I...
Ep. 193: The Right Time To Delegate
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 193: The Right Time To Delegate When is the right time to delegate in your business? … It’s important to grow your business to take it to the next level. How do you delegate your business? You need to have someone in your corner who can...
Ep. 192: How To Ditch Your Niche
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 192: How To Ditch Your Niche What is your niche? … A niche is what you use in your business that’s specific to your target market. Why is a niche so important for your business? It’s important you focus on one target market in your...
Ep. 191: Permission To Take The Day Off And Just Chill
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 191: Permission To Take The Day Off And Just Chill Sometimes you just need to take the day off and chill. Tune into this episode where I talk about giving yourself permission to take the day off. I share my tips and thoughts on taking care of...
Ep. 190: Different Live Stream Software I’ve Used
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 190: Different Live Stream Software I’ve Used There are many live stream software you can use for your business. Tune into this episode where I talk about different live stream software’s I have used and my experiences with each of them. I share...
Ep. 189: How To Optimize Your Profile Page On Facebook
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 189: How To Optimize Your Profile Page On Facebook How do you use Facebook for your business? … By optimizing your Facebook you’ll be able to help your business grow! Have you optimized your profile pages on Facebook? You can reach more...
Ep.188: Which Platforms Should I Be On?
How do you use social media for your business? … It’s important to be on a social media platform so you can be very visible! Are you on more than one social media platform? You should only be on one social media platform. I know you might be on all platforms like...
Ep. 187: What Makes You Stand Out
How can you stand out from the crowd when there are millions of people that do exactly what you do? Let’s think back to Middle School. Were there ever “cool” classmates who would make snarky comments about you because you were different? What did they say? Remember...
Ep. 186: Strengths and Weaknesses in Your Biz
Do you want to make your business more successful? It’s important to know both your strengths and weaknesses. How can I identify my strengths and weaknesses? Think about what you love doing for your business. Do you enjoy your clients? Do you enjoy posting on...
Ep. 185: Acceleration Club
How can you accelerate your business? In this episode, I announce my new program, The Acceleration Club. Do you get so discouraged without the support that you need when it comes to attracting clients and filling your programs? My new program is going to solve...
Ep. 184: How To Serve Multiple Target Markets Best
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 184: How To Serve Multiple Target Markets Best Who do you best serve within your business? … It’s important to know your ideal target market. What is your ideal target market? You can find your ideal target market by knowing your niche and how...
Ep. 183: How To Sell Without Showing Clients That You’re Selling Anything
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 183: How To Sell Without Showing Clients That You're Selling Anything When you are building a relationship with your clients do you show them the product first? … In your multi marketing business you should not push only the product you are...
Ep. 182: How Can I Draw My Clients In Consistently?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 182: How Can I Draw My Clients In Consistently? How can I draw my clients in more consistently? You might hear what your client says they want, but do you know what they need? Questions from the audience for this episode-all about bringing in...
Ep. 181: Is It The Right Time To Start A Business During COVID?
Is it a good idea to start a new business or keep running your business during COVID-19? … Corona virus is happening and it is out of our control. What does COVID-19 mean for us? Things can start shutting down and that value of what everyone is doing is...
Ep. 180: How To Handle Live Tech Issues
Have you ever encountered live tech issues? … The quality of your groups is dependent on how easily and seamlessly the group runs through technology. What are tech issues you have had before? How did you handle them? You have to do the best you can and know what is...
Ep. 179- Breakdown Of My Free Challenge
Tune in to hear about the breakdown of my free challenge! … It was easier to have a successful challenge with a smaller group of warm leads. What are the benefits of a free challenge? You can build a lot of relationships with your free challenge groups. Some people...
Ep. 178- How To Set Up A Live Challenge
How do you set up a live challenge? … Creating a free challenge group is a great way to get people in the door and to learn what you do. Do you want to close some sales? You can build a lot of relationships with your free challenge groups. Sometimes you may not close...
Ep. 177: Pivoting
How does running a challenge and pivoting relate within your business? … During this rough time with the pandemic, you can still bring income into your business. We are all in this together. People still need what you have to offer more then ever right now. There’s a...
Ep. 176: Here’s The Silver Lining And My Thoughts About COVID-19 And Your Life And Business
There’s a silver lining even during this Coronavirus! … There’s some comfort in knowing that we are all going through this together. All of this has brought us closer together. Put all of this into perspective with your business. There are things we can...
Ep. 175: Thanks For The Clients!
Are you making the most of your new-found free time? If you're in the health and wellness space and are looking to grow your client list or take your current clients and turn them from 1:1 clients to group coaching clients then I have the perfect 5-day...
Ep. 174: Ethically Running Your Business During the Corona Virus
What are you doing for your business during the Corona virus outbreak? … If you run an at-home business, then you are above the curve. Did you know we are all in this together? First, we need to take a deep breath and know that everything is going to be okay. A...
Ep. 173: Show Up Or Ship Out!
We all experience ups and downs in our lives … There is a pivotal moment that is your turning point to move into the path to success. When do you let go of things that are stressing you out? There are things within our lives and businesses that can hinder our success....
Ep. 172: How Long Does It Take To Build A Relationship?
How long does it take to build a relationship? … In order to have a relationship, there needs to be a bond, understanding and trust. What do you do to build a relationship with someone who may eventually be a client? Characteristics that show a person’s true colors...
Ep. 171: Meliss’ Birthday Celebration and Offer
It’s my Birthday Celebration! … We should be living out our purpose in life and not taking anything for granted. Are you living your purpose in life? Your birthday symbolizes the anniversary of the first day of your existence. There will be hard times and times of...
Ep. 170: Action!
Have you taken action within your business? … Action is a crucial step in order to get over that hump in your business. Why is Action so important for your business? Action is the most important thing you can do in your business. There are 3 parts to the recipe of...
Ep. 169: Planning and Strategy
Do you have a plan and strategy? … Plan what it is that you want to achieve. So why is planning and strategy important for your business? A vision board is a perfect example for planning and strategy. There are 3 parts to the recipe of success. The second one is...
Ep. 168: Mindset
Do you have a positive mindset? … Your mindset is so important. So what does mindset mean for your business? If your mindset isn’t right, your business will not succeed. There are 3 parts to the recipe of success. The first one is mindset. In this episode, I...
Ep. 167: Don’t Give Your Value Away
What value do you have to give away? … There is a strategic process in giving away your value. What is holding you back? You can’t receive anything without giving something. Are you struggling with giving something away that brings value to your business? The good...
Ep. 166: Recipe For Success
What is the recipe for success? … A lot of times you hear to focus on just one thing, but in some instances that doesn’t make sense. You are trying to build your personal brand, right? There are three pieces in the recipe for success. Are you building your business,...
Ep. 165: If You Build It, They Will Come?
If you build it will they come? … Just because you start your business and you open the doors doesn’t mean you’re going to get clients right away. There’s one area in business where the myth of you’ll always have clients fails right? Just because you’ve built a...
Ep. 164: Get Addicted To The Process
Are you addicted to the process? … Positive energy builds and ripples into our aspects of your business and life. Are you excited and ready to build your business? If your goal is attached to your result, then you are missing the entire process. Are you stuck in your...
Ep. 163: Success Comes From Planning
What are you planning for your launch? … You need to have a program you can easily communicate to your target market. What is your plan? In order to get money into your business, you have to launch things. Are you stuck in the creation of your launch? The good news...
Ep. 162: Fear Of Niching Down
What is your fear of niching down?… When you have a niche, you focus on a certain target audience for your business. What is your niche? To be successful in your business, you need to niche down. If you don’t have the right niche you won’t be able to help your...
Ep. 161: Breaking Down 2 Ads From the Superbowl That Did Marketing The Right Way
Did you watch the Super Bowl?… You can learn a lot about marketing during big events like the Super Bowl. What commercials did you like? Commercials are ways that people pull you in to their products with their marketing. Are you having trouble filling your group...
Ep. 160: Breaking The Myth About Relationships In Group Programs
Why aren’t you launching a group program yet?… Your brain protects you from doing anything out of your comfort zone. What could be holding you back? Sometimes launching your group program can make you anxious and scared it won’t be good enough. Are you not...
Ep 159: Your Launch Checklist
What is a checklist to launch a group program? … When you are launching anything, the first thing you need to know is your ideal market. Do you know your ideal target? When you know what type of program you want to launch and who your target market is, then you can...
Ep. 158: These Are A Few Of My Favorite Reads
How can you use books for your business? … There are a lot of books you can read that help with your personal and business development. Do you like to read? Read books to help you understand yourself and your business. I want to share with you some of my favorite...
Ep. 157: Stages Of Your Business
What stage are you in for your business? … You have to know what stage of business you’re in to be successful in your Marketing. What are stages for your business? There are many stages of your business that you can accomplish. It takes baby steps and time to...
Ep. 156: You Can’t Do Everything
Does this sound like you? … You can do anything, but you can’t do everything… What are steps in my business? Every single step in building your business is broken down into a million other little steps. It takes time to build you business. But the good news is...
Ep. 155: The Best Time To Offer Group Programs
When is the best time to offer group programs? … There are many different ways that you can use your group programs to best fit your business and clients. What is the purpose of your group program? I hear almost every single day, you can only open group...
Ep. 154: Implementation Over This
Why is it so important to focus on implementation within your business? … Implementation means to carry out something, or to accomplish something. Think about accomplishing what you're trying to achieve? My soul feels aligned when I accomplish something that I...
Ep. 153: Why You Haven’t Launched Yet
Why haven’t you launched yet?… I know that if the thought hasn't crossed your mind hundred times, it's at least crossed your mind one time that you want to launch something. That’s why I want you to ask the question (right now!)… “Why haven’t I launched my...
Ep. 152:3 Quick Mindsets You Need To Successfully Launch Your GROUP PROGRAM
In this episode, I talk about three quick mindsets you need to successfully launch your group program. How can you be successful with your group launch? I discuss: - I share the 3 mindsets you need to successfully launch your group program! - I share how to get...
Ep 151: How I Get Focused Every New Year
In this episode, I discuss how I get focused every New Year. How do you get focused towards your goals for the New Year? I discuss: - I share how I get focused for the New Year. - Examples of things you can do to get focused. - Steps you can do to help you...
Ep. 150 How Rori Got 6 People In Her Group
In this episode, I talk about my client Rori, how she got six people in her group, and what my Marketing With Intention program is. I discuss: -Rori's success with getting six people into her group program before it launched -How you can do the same -What 'marketing...
Ep. 149: What It Takes To Launch
In this episode, I speak about what it takes to launch. Let’s talk steps to launching in the new year! I discuss: -What is a launch? -What things need to happen for a successful launch. -Examples of a launch. -Steps you need to take for a successful launch! -I share...
Ep. 148: Grow Your Systems In ONE Weekend!
In this episode, I speak about how to grow your systems in ONE weekend! Let's talk about systems for your business! I discuss: -Why dedicating time and building systems is important! -What are systems? -Hear about a client I have that set up systems within her...
Ep. 147: Get Your Time Back
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 147-Get Back Your Time In this episode, I discuss how to get your time back. What can you do to help keep your business afloat?! I discuss: Why it’s important to dedicate time to your business. What things you need to do with your time...
Ep. 146: Different Types Of Marketing To Focus On For Your Next Launch
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 146: Different Types Of Marketing To Focus On For Your Next Launch In this episode, I discuss different types of Marketing you should focus on for your next launch. What should you focus on and what should you not focus on for a successful...
Ep. 145: Podcast Scheduling
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 145: Podcast Scheduling In this episode, I talk about podcast scheduling. It’s so exciting because I have a podcast! I discuss: What different types of podcasts are there? How I do my podcasts. How I schedule my podcasts! Why it’s...
Ep. 144: Feeling Good
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 144: Feeling Good In this episode, I talk about feeling good and why having business systems are important during the holiday season! What are you grateful for this holiday season? I discuss: Why you should be grateful during the holidays! Learn...
Ep. 143: What’s Your Marketing Strategy… Let’s break it down
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 143: What's Your Marketing Strategy... Let's Break It Down In this episode, I speak about breaking down your Marketing Strategy. What is your Marketing Strategy? I discuss: What is your marketing process? What is a Marketing Strategy? Why is a...
Ep. 142: Can I Step Away From My Business?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 142: Can I Step Away From My Business? In this episode, I speak about stepping away from your business. Why is this important for your business? I discuss: Why is it important to step away from your business sometimes and...
Ep. 141: This is the Corner Stone Of Your Biz
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 141:This Is The Cornerstone Of Your Business In this episode I talk about, “This is the Corner Stone of Your Biz.” What is the corner stone of your business? I discuss: -Why it’s important to have a big list. -How to grow your list! -Why...
Ep. 140: Serving 1:1 Clients And Feeling Burned Out? Here’s What You Can Do
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 140: Serving 1:1 Clients And Feeling Burned Out? Here's What You Can Do In this episode I talk about, serving 1:1 clients and feeling burned out? What can you do about it? I discuss: - What does it mean to be “burned out”? - How to connect with...
Ep. 139: The 10 Commandments of My Brand
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 139: The 10 Commandments of My Brand In this episode, I speak about my 10 Commandments of my brand! What are they? How are they important? I discuss: - What are commandments of a brand? - Why having commandments in your business are important! -...
Ep. 138: You Need This Mindset Shift To Overcome Your Business Plateau
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 138: You Need This Mindset Shift To Overcome Your Business Plateau In this episode I speak about, you need a mindset shift to overcome your business plateau. How can you do this? I discuss: - You need to have a mindset shift to move forward in...
Ep. 137: Are Ready For Facebook Ads
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 137: Are You Ready For FB Ads? In this video, I talk about Facebook Ads. Are you ready for Facebook Ads? I discuss: - How to know if you are ready for Facebook Ads. - What are Facebook Ads? - Why is it important to use Facebook Ads? -...
Ep. 136: How This Shirt is Gonna Help You Sell Your Group Program
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 136: How This Shirt Is Gonna Help You Sell Your Group Program In this video, I talk about how Marketing can help you sell your group programs! How can Marketing grow your business? Why is it important to follow up? I discuss: - Why it’s...
Ep. 135: Scaling Consistently
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 135: Scaling Consistently In this episode, I discuss scaling consistently. How do you stay consistent? This is our last episode for our Launch Series! I discuss: - Important steps to being successful while scaling consistently! -...
Ep. 134: Speak To Your Market And Build Momentum
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 134: Speak To Your Market And Build Momentum In this episode, I discuss speaking to your market and building that momentum. How do you speak to your ideal market? I discuss: - Speaking to your market and building your momentum is a part of our...
Ep. 125: You Can Be An Expert
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 125: You Can Be An Expert In this episode, I talk about how you can be an expert in your zone of genius, and why it's so important to your branding. We discuss: -Giving value and giving it freely so that your audience sees...
Ep. 133: Create Funnels That Do The Work For You
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 133: Create Funnels That Do The Work For You In this episode, I discuss how to create Funnels that do the work for you! Why are Funnels important for your business? I discuss: - Why are Funnels important to launch your group program? - What are...
Ep. 131: How To Know If You Are Ready For Group Programs
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 131: How To Know If You're Ready For Group Programs In this episode, I talk about when its time to start thinking about a group program! What does that mean?! I discuss: - What a group program is. - Steps to get to group programs. - How to have...
Ep. 130: Back It Up
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 130: Back It Up! In this episode I talk about why you should “back it up.” Why is it important? We discuss: -How to protect yourself from losing your hard work! -Why it’s important to “back it up” -Have a back up for everything! -How to get...
Ep. 129: Your Mess Is Your Message
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 129: Your Mess Is Your Message In this episode I talk about how your “mess” is your message. How can you use it in your marketing? We discuss: - Nobody’s life is perfect and that’s okay! - How to use the not so perfect aspects of your life to...
Ep. 128: What Type of Value To Give
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 128: What Type Of Value To Give In this episode I talk about how your “mess” is your message. How can you use it in your marketing? We discuss: - Nobody’s life is perfect and that’s okay! - How to use the not so perfect aspects of your life to...
Ep. 127: Getting Out Of A Business Funk
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 127: Getting Out Of A Business Funk In this episode, I talk about getting out of a business funk. Are you feeling (or have you felt) stuck in a funk? Check out the tips I use when stuck in a business funk. We discuss: -Shaking...
Ep. 126: Time Blocking and Goal Setting
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 126:Time Blocking and Goal Setting In this episode, I talk about the importance of time blocking and goal setting. These two topics go hand in hand, and lately have been all the buzz in my community. We discuss: -How to make your goals happen...
Ep. 124: Funnel Anti-Stress
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 124: Funnel Anti-Stress In this episode, I talk about how creating your funnel (and the many steps that goes with it) can create stress, and what you can do to create anti-stress. We discuss: -How real life and being a busy entrepreneur and...
Ep. 123: Fear Of Authenticity
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 123: Fear of Authenticity In this episode, I talk about the fear of authenticity. Many people struggle with authenticity so in this episode I give you three tips on how to wash away the fear of authenticity. We discuss: -What 'self-betrayal' is...
Ep. 122: Ethical Scarcity
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 122: Ethical Scarcity In this episode, I talk about scarcity. Scarcity is an online marketing tactic not having enough supply to meet the demand. We discuss: -Fake scarcity and why it damages your relationship with customers -How to leverage...
Ep. 121: Content Bins To Rock Your Content Strategy
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 121: Content Bins To Rock Your Content Strategy In this episode, I talk about the different ways to find content easily and fill up your content bins. The worst thing you can do for your business on social media is have a watered down content...
Ep. 120: What You Must Have For Passive Income
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 120: What You Must Have For Passive Income In this episode, I talk about what passive income really is. We discuss: -What the term 'passive income' means -If your passive income earning activity is really worth it. -What you need to make passive...
Ep. 132: Setting Up Your Marketing Systems
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 132: Setting Up Your Marketing Systems In this episode, I discuss how to set up your Marketing Systems. Why is that important for your business? I discuss: - When its time to set up Marketing Systems! - What are Marketing Systems? - Why it’s...
Ep. 76: The Authenticity Formula
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 76: The Authenticity Formula In this episode I talk about The Authenticity Formula and why it matters. We discuss: Honesty Vulnerability Adapting and change
Ep. 75: Real Reviews
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 75: Real Reviews In this episode I talk about how you can solicit real reviews for your business. We discuss: Asking Why you shouldn't offer incentives Responding to your reviews
Ep. 74: Common Negative Mindsets
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 74: Common Negative Mindsets In this episode I talk about common negative mindsets and how to recognize them. We discuss: Impostor syndrome Scarcity mindset Perfectionist mindset Business FOMO
Ep. 73: How To Create Your Email Automation System
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 73: How To Create Your Email Automation System In this episode I talk about how to automate your email system. We discuss: Various email management systems Brainstorming what you should discuss Writing your emails Call to action...
Ep. 72: Getting Back Up
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 72: Getting Back Up In this episode I talk about getting back up after you've been knocked down. We discuss: Defining your value How to keep moving forward
Ep. 71: Difference Between A Facebook Ad And A Boosted Post
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 71: Difference Between A Facebook Ad And A Boosted Post In this episode I talk about the difference between a Facebook Ad and a Boosted Post. We discuss: Ad creation Benefits of Facebook Ads When you should boost a post Increasing...
Ep. 70: Automation
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 70: Automation In this episode I talk about automation and how it will help both your business and your personal life flourish. We discuss: File sharing Social media Email Grocery delivery/meal planning Bills Investing Release...
Ep. 69: Self-care
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 69: Self-care In this episode I talk about self-care and stress relief for busy professional. We discuss: Chronic stress Exercise Deep breathing Limiting screen time Asking for help
Ep. 68: Conscious Language
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 68: Conscious Language In this episode I talk about thinking consciously about the words that are used in our day-to-day lives. We discuss: Manifesting positive change "I am..." Getting rid of "try" and "I will..." Personalized language...
Ep. 67: Using Social Media for Your Market Research
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 67: Using Social Media for Your Market Research In this episode I talk about establishing a foundation for your market research using social media. We discuss: Finding your dream customer Social media platforms Language to reach your target...
Ep. 66: My Monday Morning Routine
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 66: My Monday Morning Routine In this episode I talk about my Monday morning routine and how having a strong system in place benefits your business. We discuss: "No-call" days Setting intentions Implementing systems Making the most of your time...
Ep. 65: A/B Testing And Why I Think You Should Do It!
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 65: A/B Testing And Why I Think You Should Do It! In this episode I talk about A/B, or split, testing and why it would benefit your business. We discuss: What is A/B testing? What you can split test Variations you can make Release date: 29...
Ep. 64: How To Choose The Right Lead Magnet
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 64: How To Choose The Right Lead Magnet In this episode I talk about choosing the right lead magnet for your needs. We discuss: Sales funnel Knowing your buyer Formats for lead magnets Aligning your goals Release date: 24 January...
Ep. 63: 5 Surprising Ways To Build Awareness
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 63: 5 Surprising Ways To Build Awareness In this episode I talk about 5 ways to build brand awareness that may surprise you. We discuss: Networking Contests Showcasing your brand personality Hosting guest content Being a guest on a podcast...
Ep. 62: How To Get Whatever You Want And Are You Ahead Of Your Time?
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 62: How To Get Whatever You Want And Are You Ahead Of Your Time? In this episode I talk about manifesting what you want to achieve this year and discussing what it means to be ahead of your time. We discuss: Vision boards Laying out your future...
Ep. 61: Live Videos: Lights, Camera, & Actions
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 61: Live Videos: Lights, Camera, & Actions In this episode I talk about making your live videos look professional, even if you are using a smartphone. We discuss: Lighting Camera tips and tricks Sound quality Your background Captions Release...
Ep. 60: Building Your Empire Part 3: How To Coordinate A Remote Team
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 60: Building Your Empire Part 3: How To Coordinate A Remote Team In this episode I talk about how to coordinate your team when working remotely. We discuss: Establishing clear expectations Setting up communication methods Collaboration...
Ep. 59: Building Your Empire Part 2: How To Train New Hires
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 59: Building Your Empire Part 2: How To Train New Hires In this episode I talk about how to train new hires when they join your team. We discuss: The fear of training Video for training Using your existing team Your Standard Operating Procedure...
Ep. 58: Building Your Empire Part 1: Where To Find Your Team
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 58: Building Your Empire Part 1: Where To Find Your Team In this episode I talk about how a great team will help you grow your business and where to find your team. We discuss: The laptop lifestyle Using Facebook groups to hire Being specific...
Ep. 57: Change of Course
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 57: Change of Course In this episode I talk about being open and flexible to new opportunities that may come your way as a new business owner. We discuss: My goals for last year New directions Where I'm headed Release date: 1 January...
Ep. 56: Apps I APPreciate – DoorDash
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 56: Apps I APPreciate - DoorDash In this episode I talk about DoorDash - an app that really helps free up some time in my personal life. We discuss: What is DoorDash? The benefits of using it DoorDash as a time saver Release date: 27 December...
Ep. 55: What You Should And Should Not DIY In Your Marketing Plan
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 55: What You Should And Should Not DIY In Your Marketing Plan In this episode I talk about what you can do to lower your marketing budget and what you should definitely NOT attempt to try on your own. We discuss: Social media Social Marketing...
Ep. 54: How To Perfect Your Elevator Pitch
Meliss Marketing · Ep. 54: How To Perfect Your Elevator Pitch In this episode I talk about why an elevator pitch is essential for business owners and how to perfect yours. We discuss: What is an elevator pitch? Bad elevator pitches Finding your niche Explaining...
Ep. 53: You Are As Big As You Want To Be
In this episode I talk about mindset and how important it is as an entrepreneur. We discuss: Growth Investing in yourself
Ep. 52: Simple Website SEO Tricks For Local Business Owners
In this episode, I talk about what business owners can do to enhance their SEO. We discuss: What is SEO? Page Titles Adding a Blog Metadata Building Community Profiles Keywords
Ep. 51: 4 Mistakes I’ve Made In My Business Lately
In this episode I talk about what mistakes I have made recently and owning your mistakes. We discuss: Proofreading Errors Email Mix-ups Technical Errors
Ep. 50: 8 Reasons Your Facebook Ads Aren’t Working
In this episode, I talk about why your Facebook Ads just aren't working for you and what you can do about it. We discuss: Ad Performance Why Ads are Rejected Text on Images Unrealistic Claims Your Ad Copy Call to Action
Ep. 49: Facebook’s Latest Scandal – Inflated Video Views
In this episode, I talk about Facebook and how they came under fire for inflating their video metrics. We discuss: Data Sharing Video Metrics Video as a Platform
Ep. 48: How To Use Video With Your Business
In this episode, I talk about how you and your business can benefit from incorporating video into your marketing plan. We discuss: Video as a Marketing Tool Going Live Building Relationships Enhancing Engagement Using Video to Train Employees ...
Ep. 47: MM’s Team Is A Leader In The Industry And Here’s Why
In this episode I talk about my team and why they are the BEST team out there. We discuss: How my business benefits The 'Zone of Genius' The workflow of my team
Ep. 46: Free Marketing Habits Every Business Owner Should Adopt
In this episode I talk about marketing habits and routines that should consistently used to help your business grow. We discuss: Email newsletters Blogging for business Social media engagement Updating your profiles Creating a...
Ep. 45: Social Media Etiquette For Business Owners
In this episode I talk about why is it important for business owners to be aware of online etiquette. We discuss: Overcoming a poor reputation Being respectful Separation of business and personal pages Engagement
Ep. 44: Difference Between A Social Media Strategist And Social Media Manager
In this episode I talk about what about the difference between a Social Media Strategist and a Social Media Manager and when should you go with one for your business. We discuss: The roles and duties of each position How your business will benefit from having...
Ep. 43: 5 Components Of Facebook Marketing Usually Done Wrong
In this episode I talk about what about what a business usually does wrong when it comes to Facebook marketing and why it matters. We discuss: Inconsistent posting Boring content Too many words Not having an effective social media strategy Lack of...
Ep. 42: How To Nurture Your Facebook Friendships
In this episode I talk about why it is important to nurture your Facebook friendships when building your business. We discuss: Building relationships Being proactive Finding common interests Tracking Leads
Ep. 41: The Why & How Of A Niche Market For Your Business That Includes Better Results & More Money
In this episode I talk about the having a niche market and why it gets results for your business. We discuss: What is a niche market? Deciding what is your niche market Creating offers for your niche market
Ep. 40: Going Live On Your Page Versus In Your Group
In this episode I talk about the pros and cons of having a Facebook page, a Facebook group, and making them both work for your business. We discuss: Which One Is Best Targeting Your Audience Custom Audiences Sharing Strategies
Ep. 39: It’s A Bot Party
In this episode I talk about the Facebook breech, bot sequences, and using bots for your business. We discuss: Messenger or Ad Bots Using Bots On Welcome Pages Announcement Bots
Ep. 38: Business Strategy: Platform Posting
In this episode I talk about crossposting, image creation, and what content performs best on each social media platform. We discuss: Instagram/Instagram Stories Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest
Ep. 37: Social Media Storefronts
In this episode I talk about social media platforms, your target market, and how brick and mortar storefront concepts can translate to your social media storefront. We discuss: Location Branding Inventory
Ep. 36: Reducing Your Ad Spend
In this episode I talk about the benefits of having an ad budget and how to make that budget work for you. We discuss: Pay To Play Targeting Your Ideal Client Tripwires
Ep. 35: 4 Reasons You Need Video Marketing Right Now
In this episode I talk about video marketing and using videos to increase sales and build trust. We discuss: Facebook Live Google Search Results Building Trust