How can you use books for your business? …
There are a lot of books you can read that help with your personal and business development.
Do you like to read?
Read books to help you understand yourself and your business.
I want to share with you some of my favorite books.
In this episode I share with you some of my go to books….
• Audible books are an easy way to listen to books with your busy life
• Reading books can help you connect with people’s journeys and better understand yourself
• There are a lot of books that can help you manifest your destiny and bring it to the forefront
Tune into this 10-minute episode + I share my go to books + ways they can help you develop personally and for your business
Here are some of the books I share:
• “You’re a badass” by Jen Sincero
• “You’re a Badass At Making Money” by Jen Sincero
• “Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself” by Dr. Joe Dispenza
• “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne