SEAMLESS CONTENT CREATION: Content With Confidence Club

Content Creation Done For You. | Convert Your Content Into Clients








Content Creation + Strategy Playlist

Ep. 477: Our First Quarter of YouTube Stats

Ep. 477: Our First Quarter of YouTube Stats

Meliss Marketing · Ep. 477: Our First Quarter Of YouTube Stats "If my average view duration was very long, then I know that people are watching at least that percentage of the video." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about how our first...

Ep. 476: Scared To Create Content?

Ep. 476: Scared To Create Content?

Meliss Marketing · Ep. 476: Scared To Create Content? “Practice makes progress!” In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I’m talking about being scared to create content: Positioning yourself as the expert. Who is your ideal client? Who are influencers or...

Ep. 469: Daily Engagement Strategy

Ep. 469: Daily Engagement Strategy

Meliss Marketing · Ep. 469: Daily Engagement Strategy “There’s not a single successful business that just sits around and waits.” In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I’m talking about the daily engagement strategy: Create the space that attracts your dream...

Ep. 464: 5 Levels Of Awareness

Ep. 464: 5 Levels Of Awareness

Meliss Marketing · Ep. 464: 5 Levels Of Awareness "Educate, give inside secrets, let people see what it is that you can do to help them!" In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about the five levels of awareness: What are the five levels of...

Ep. 438: Content Cadence

Ep. 438: Content Cadence

Meliss Marketing · Ep. 438: Content Cadence "If you're posting to Youtube once a month, you're consistent, but it's not often enough for people to remember who you are." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about content cadence: What are the...

Ep. 396: Stress-Free Content Creation

Ep. 396: Stress-Free Content Creation

Meliss Marketing · Ep. 396: Stress Free Content Creation "You can reuse content that you've already done." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about stress-free content creation: Come up with a system that works for you. Consistency with your...

Ep. 380: Solving Three Problems

Ep. 380: Solving Three Problems

Meliss Marketing · Ep. 380: Solving Three Problems "This episode is for you if you are struggling with connecting, wanting to help too many people, or if you have any 'way too many' moments." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about solving...

Ep. 377: Second Quarter Planning

Ep. 377: Second Quarter Planning

Meliss Marketing · Ep. 377: Second Quarter Planning "It's really important to manage your business by looking ahead by a section of time." In this episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking about the importance of planning per quarter: How to execute your Q2...

Ep. 337: It’s Not All Roses

Ep. 337: It’s Not All Roses

Meliss Marketing · Ep. 337: It's Not All Roses "Some days are just not easy. Sometimes things happen that make you want to rip your hair out, throw your laptop across the room and say I'm done." In this 11-minute episode of Marketing Tips With Meliss, I'm talking...

Ep. 294: Bro Marketing

Ep. 294: Bro Marketing

Meliss Marketing · Ep. 294: Bro Marketing     "Bro Marketing. The way I envision this term coming about is fraternity boys. Fraternity boys showing off their marketing skills." In this 12-minute episode I'm explaining the term 'bro marketing' and what we can...

Ep. 227: The 8 P’s Of Marketing

Ep. 227: The 8 P’s Of Marketing

Meliss Marketing · Ep. 227: The 8 P’s of Marketing     "When you are creating marketing strategy just remember these 8 P's and if it fits you are well ahead of the game." Are you considering revamping your marketing strategy? Maybe you're planning the rest...

Ep. 209: What Is Content Marketing?

Ep. 209: What Is Content Marketing?

Meliss Marketing · Ep. 209: What Is Content Marketing? There are several types of marketing but one of the most powerful is Content Marketing. Tune into this episode where I talk all about Content Marketing and how it can really benefit your business. Do you use...

Ep. 167: Don’t Give Your Value Away

Ep. 167: Don’t Give Your Value Away

What value do you have to give away? … There is a strategic process in giving away your value. What is holding you back? You can’t receive anything without giving something. Are you struggling with giving something away that brings value to your business? The good...

Ep. 129: Your Mess Is Your Message

Ep. 129: Your Mess Is Your Message

Meliss Marketing · Ep. 129: Your Mess Is Your Message In this episode I talk about how your “mess” is your message. How can you use it in your marketing? We discuss: - Nobody’s life is perfect and that’s okay! - How to use the not so perfect aspects of your life to...

Ep. 128: What Type of Value To Give

Ep. 128: What Type of Value To Give

Meliss Marketing · Ep. 128: What Type Of Value To Give In this episode I talk about how your “mess” is your message. How can you use it in your marketing? We discuss: - Nobody’s life is perfect and that’s okay! - How to use the not so perfect aspects of your life to...

Ep. 126: Time Blocking and Goal Setting

Ep. 126: Time Blocking and Goal Setting

Meliss Marketing · Ep. 126:Time Blocking and Goal Setting In this episode, I talk about the importance of time blocking and goal setting. These two topics go hand in hand, and lately have been all the buzz in my community. We discuss: -How to make your goals happen...