SEAMLESS CONTENT CREATION: Content With Confidence Club

Content Creation Done For You. | Convert Your Content Into Clients








Don’t drop them in Build them up!You already know I am a huge proponent of the sales funnel…

Except one tiny thing.

I don’t think you should look at it as a funnel ⛛

That brings to mind an image of slowly filtering out prospects until the right ones arrive at the sale.

I like to look at it as a ladder, where each step of the sale builds on itself and helps your prospects grow  As your prospects journey up that ladder, you continue to provide increasingly valuable offers and information to them. Each of those steps is another touch point you have with your prospect that builds your relationship and positions you as an expert in your field.

The reason I love this concept is because your prospects are not passive participants who can be dropped into a funnel. Customers, prospects, leads, clients— they are actively looking  for the solution that you can give them.

When your prospects choose to take the next step in your value ladder, they are really saying “I actively choose to take this next step with you.”

How great would that be ? Not only does it feel amazing, but it does amazing things for your business as well.

When you ask your customers to actively participate, you give them the power to take the relationship as far as they want it to go. Rather than funneling them into one specific offer, you continue to provide bigger and bigger offers that increase your sales and builds that relationship.

Who doesn’t want that?

My team and I just launched The Funnel Formula course in my Social Marketing Academy!

Learn how to:

**Build a funnel from start to finish

**Create a value ladder that positions you as an expert

**Price each offer to make it irresistible to prospects

**Stack your funnels to make a bigger impact

You can try out my Social Marketing Academy for only $1 for a 7-day trial. Seriously! Click here to see what this course can do for your sales!

If you’re still not sure that The Funnel Formula course is right for you, I get it. That’s why I’m offering a free worksheet pulled directly from the course. Click here to check out your freebie.

Have some questions about value ladders or my course? Reach out to my team, we can help!

All the best,