SEAMLESS CONTENT CREATION: Content With Confidence Club

Content Creation Done For You. | Convert Your Content Into Clients








BLOG OR DIESometimes it feels like there are a million things your business must have, and blogging is always at the top of the list. Providing with frequent, fresh, high-value content is regularly touted as THE way to convert your leads into clients.

Search for the phrase “blogging for business,” and Google will give you over 27 million results!

I know a business coach who wrote a new blog post every day for a month– while running her 6-figure business!

So, I’m totally aware of how a high-quality blog can increase your traffic, leads, and conversion.

But…. I still have one question for ya!

Where do they all find the time?!

The other night I got less than two hours of sleep because I was catching up on business after taking a short vacation. After tending to my own business needs with social media, marketing, and networking, I still had client work to do. That’s right! I worked for 22 hours, and I didn’t even write a single blog post.

Trying to write 1,500 carefully-chosen words after all that work felt like it might be the death of me!

So, what did I do about it?

I learned the blogging secrets.

Want to know the real secret?

Two words: repurpose and automate.

That magic combination of repurposing content and automating tasks gives them the time and material they need to crank out blog posts like McDonald’s makes fries and this is what I do in my business as well.

Here’s how you do it.

1. Gather your information. 

Use a handy scheduling apps to pose a question across all of your social media channels. For example, a business coach might ask something like: what is your favorite tool for productivity? Or, how do you stay productive when you’re feeling totally blah? Be honest with your followers, let them know you’ll be researching their answers to write an upcoming blog post. This serves two purposes: your followers are now aware you have a new blog post coming up, and they won’t feel like you totally stole their ideas.

2. Write your blog post. 

With your question sufficiently answered, you simply have to curate the responses into an easily digestible list or post.

3. Share your blog post across your social media platforms. 

Create graphics, record a live video discussing the top three highlights from the post, or just tweet your favorite tips throughout the day.

4. Work backwards.

If any questions, comments, or discussions come up on previous social media posts, use those to create your next blog. Dive deep into previous posts you’ve written, or old social media updates. Use the data you find to write a piece about what you’ve learned in the time, since, or to provide answers you may not have had before.
Still struggling to find the hours in the day to get it all done? Just reach out to my team and we can help!

Comment below to let me know your blogging woes.

All the best,